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Checked zhu jingyan s pulse again after a long time when many people were waiting impatiently he finally nodded gently it s okay the remaining poison has been cleared great it s just the doctor said however many cheers.

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Timid the people outside the door are still making trouble zhu jingyan held duoduo s little hand looked at duoduo s dignified little face solemnly and seriously and said softly duoduo daddy is the minister of dali temple if.

Jingyan over what they saw was the picture of guang qing an and cang chen helpless under the pressure of the common people a pang of boredom welled up in her heart the temple minister is here master siqing is here I don t.

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you they made a big fuss in front of dali temple and had to stop I will handle the case and come back to explain to you and comfort you the delay in the process is enough.

Seeing that the excited people began to calm down xu duoduo s tone became softer I know you are worried about your children and you want to find your children dali temple is also doing its best at this time what everyone.

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Official pleading for the people after he stood up and expressed his opinion everyone also chose to believe in dali temple a few people wanted to say something but the sufferer was persuaded so they could only keep silent.

Couldn t even find a single beggar everyone knew that the situation was unusual but they couldn t figure it out let s continue to look for it first the movement in dali temple is bigger it will always make those thieves.

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Hurriedly followed chi yuan was unwilling in his heart but he knew many temperaments too well if he does not go out with a lot he will have to take a lot with him find a way to sneak out on your own in order to ensure duoduo.

And realized the reason why this place is sparsely populated the kidnapper incident caused a scene people were so panicked that no one dared to go out for fear that their children would be stolen if no one was watching pushed.

Out and run around looking at duoduo and chi yuanli looking at the back of the old man the old man sighed again what s the matter parents really don t care walking out of the alley seeing that the old man didn t chase.

Eyes and looked at chi yuan there are still very few dishes in yuan s basket so she asked pretendingly is there only so much you can buy isn t it enough to eat chi yuan knew that many dishes were intentional but the dishes.

He didn t want duoduo to continue taking risks even if it was to find cang xiaowan he didn t want to expose duoduo to the kidnapper s sight brother duo duo took chi yuan s hand and acted coquettishly brother I won t mess.

Around let s go buy some vegetables and go back okay dali temple is now in a mess and everyone is very busy let s not cause any more trouble to uncle wang chi yuan wanted to say chef the house was originally under the.

Jurisdiction of uncle wang so it was not troublesome at all for uncle wang to send someone to buy vegetables but facing so many pleading eyes like elves chi yuan still couldn t calm down after all he flicked his finger on.

Duoduo s forehead sooner or later we will both be killed by you duoduo pouted she knew that chiyuan had agreed to let her continue the investigation and hugged her holding chi yuan s arm he said coquettishly thank you.

Brother what else can chi yuan do the younger sister he chose can only be pampered let s go they were going to another market and this market was remote which was why chi yuan wanted to send duoduo back first but he couldn.

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uncle will give you a little more money you should hurry up and get medicine for your ibsrela weight loss father duoduo sobbed and thanked the.

Shopkeeper went to the back hall arranged by the shopkeeper changed out of his gorgeous clothes and put on an ordinary ordinary child s patched clothes after getting the money for two more clothes from the shopkeeper i.

Eagerly came out of the pawn shop hand in hand after coming out duo duocai looked at chi yuan cautiously brother you said that daddy is sick is this really okay chi yuan I had the urge to hit my sister it s better than.

Talking about si qing to death moreover si qing is really sick now and he didn t lie duoduo sansan nodded and was led by chi yuan into the carriage when they got on the carriage the two of them were just children from a.

Was extremely unwilling when he was living on the streets and had no choice but to live in a dilapidated temple chi yuan took care of himself meticulously I didn t expect that now that I don t have to live on the streets i.

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Many cries attracted a group of onlookers to point and point he was even more I can t do it anymore oh don t be so cruel this little girl is Family Health Bureau ro com weight loss very pitiful just sell her a little it s not like I won t pay you that is if it.

Reactions the dealers also shut up but the food vendor suddenly had a bad taste as soon as he rolled his eyes he took a handful of vegetables from his stall and stuffed them into the basket that chi yuan was carrying.

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he pressed the hands of many people who wanted to pay and said softly but loudly good boy don t be polite with your uncle hurry up and take it back to.

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Persistence through many actions the two stalemate for a while but chi yuan was still defeated after hearing this duo duo stood up straight with satisfaction and laughed twice thank you brother chi yuan rolled his eyes and.

Freed up a hand to hold him lots of hands let s go go home chi yuan s home is naturally not dali temple it was the ruined temple where he once lived the two of them approached the narrow alley and footsteps came from behind.

Them this made chi yuan tense up feeling chi yuan s nervousness duo duo was afraid that he would do something bad so he hurriedly said brother don t worry dad will be fine understanding duo duo s meaning chi yuan forced.

Legs seem to be unable to move mother he stuffed the last pancake into her arms and protected her whole body in his arms the snow is so cold only the mother s embrace is warm but the mother s arms are getting colder and colder.

Heavy eyes and thinking of duoduo s bewildered appearance he suddenly wanted to ignore it he heard himself say okay the gratitude in duoduo s eyes was so dazzling that chi yuan was a little overwhelmed but they are just two.

Children and there is not much they can do grandma what can I do for you duoduo walked to the nearest dying next to the breathing old woman the old woman hadn t been washed for a long time and her body smelled bad her lips.

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Inspection inside was so strict that they didn t dare to do it anymore furthermore those children with parents are locked at home and are not allowed to go out they can t go to other people s homes to snatch other people s.

Children can they this is good no father no mother just a brother who is a half grown child he abducted the girl her brother might not even know how to report the crime so he could only blame himself and himself lost my.

Sister he only regarded duoduo as a three or four year old child in front of her his eyes rolled around not worrying about duoduo guessing his thoughts in the evening chi yuan came to duoduo and said with a sullen face.

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Misbehaving and not only did he not stop her but he also followed her in the mischief however many true are you ignorant chi yuan expressed deep doubts about this if he hadn t seen that duoduo was just a little bit older.

Know what chi yuan was thinking she was thinking about her next plan the lame man saw chi yuan s entanglement and helplessness but he who knew children very well did not feel that chi yuan she was worried that they would.

Family why would his brother bring his sister to a place like this are you preparing for the future the lame man couldn t figure it out so he stopped thinking about it anyway as long as he succeeds after tonight all of.

This will have nothing to do with him he just needs to take this girl away wait for the limelight to pass and then think of a way to take action then he can lie down and count money chi yuan took it after the food came out.

That the two brothers and sisters actually took out all the food to make food for everyone chi yuan s craftsmanship is unquestionable even if there is not much seasoning it is just some simple dishes are also cooked by him.

To be delicious and delicious and chi yuan s actions made the lame man conclude that the situation at home must be very miserable otherwise how could this eight or nine year old child have developed such exquisite skills and.

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He could only endure the shameful shame in his heart and told duoduo stories in a low voice once upon a time there was a mountain and there was a temple on the mountain there was an old monk in the temple and the old monk.

Was tell a story to the little monk before chi yuan finished speaking duoduo took up the next sentence and said dissatisfiedly my brother has told this story eight hundred times and I want to hear something new chi yuan was.

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Don t know how long it will take to get a good product don t worry if you can t eat by then I blame my brother for not helping you today the lame man s words made goushengzi fall into deep thought I don t know what s going on.

Makes them even more helpless is that two days ago there were parents who would go out with their children these two days let alone children even the adults at home seldom go out the euphemistic name is to be at home to.

Protect their children in this regard their group of kidnappers can only look helpless they are kidnappers not robbers and there is a reason to go to someone s house to rob children look at the deserted streets these days.

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Take everyone into his heart boss several people bowed down respectfully to say hello he gently he raised his hand and said the limelight has been tight recently you should be careful in your actions it is best not to take.

Still observe so calmly she must have aroused suspicion no she had to find a way to get through the masked man s gaze fell on duoduo and he saw duoduo s eyes were dull as if he was frightened but just now he seemed to see.

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A scare he turned to look at the two brothers and sisters who were shivering but not crying anymore and said again maybe they were frightened he lightly kicked duo duo on the calf duoduo was woken up with a start yelled ah.

I want to go home chi yuan held duo duo in his arms and looked up at gou shengzi didn t you say you won t hurt us we want to go home didn t you say you would send us home chi yuan s words were too simple and the guards.

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Through the gap in the back door it was still a patch of jungle so she couldn t tell where it was but this does not affect her leaving a mark as long as she leaves a mark daddy and the others will we will definitely find.

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Of the children in the corner the seven of us were all arrested I have been arrested for almost two days and there are two other children who were taken out by them and never brought back she was pregnant I ro com weight loss Keto Flow Gummies doubt that the.

S mind she couldn t help but think in order to be arrested shouldn t duoduo mean that she has no father or mother she tentatively asked do you only have an older brother in fact what she really wanted to ask was is your.

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Slapped it vigorously come here is there anyone I m hungry I want to eat is there anyone there someone come here I m going to starve to death no one answered duoduo has been calling for a long time even if he is deaf he.

Is probably disturbed but no one ever came to see her she turned her head but cang xiaowan looked at each other shook her head returned to cang xiaowan s side and said in a low voice it seems that there is no one only then.

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And forced himself to calm down come it was still morning and according to cang xiaowan s conclusion those people would come in the evening and they still had one day there is still time don t panic duoduo you can t panic.

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Have you brought it with you after being kidnapped last time guang qingan an exquisite dagger was prepared for duoduo for this reason zhu jingyan also scolded guang qingan zhu jingyan felt that duoduo did not have the.

Began to widen the vent left on the window many brains are smart but after all they are children with limited strength I have strength cang xiaowan took the dagger with her backhand I ll fix it for a while seeing this the.

Would tear their clothes into strips and tie them together after the rope was done the vent was almost widened others can t get out yet but duoduo and cang xiaowan are young girls and small so they can taste it tried to.

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t go either cang xiaowan poured cold water on the little fat man why why.

There was the sound of expanding the vent obviously cang xiaowan s action just now also reminded the children upstairs woke up duoduo and cang xiaowan looked at each other I ll go downstairs to have a look I ll go with you.

Cang xiaowan grabbed duoduo s hand downstairs is much more dangerous than upstairs no one knows where the traffickers guards are guang qing an said that he would teach them martial arts but he hadn t taught them yet if one of.

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There were fresh or dried bloodstains everywhere there was a fishy and unpleasant smell everywhere disgusting cang xiaowan s legs were trembling but she persisted standing in front of duoduo her voice was trembling but firm.

And traffic children are not for sale at all of duoduo said something to cang xiaowan cang xiaowan nodded in agreement the scene in front of them clearly showed what had happened here the severed fingers on the ground even.

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Sitting on the ground scratching his head and looking at the window frequently but because gu xing was suppressing him he didn t dare to make too much noise he was as anxious as if a banana was right in front of him but he.

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Didn t reach the mark but with a large the family is crawling and rolling in the grass the others were fine but the little fat man was not happy he pouted and muttered didn t you say you left a mark why didn t I see it.

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Parents they don t want to die even though their legs were shaking with exhaustion none of them said they were tired just in a group when the child was about to become a dog he was walking at the front of the line gu xing.

Unreasonably after everyone sat down gu xu also gave many explanations the traffickers are here duoduo s eyes widened suddenly how is it possible didn t you say duoduo realized something was wrong halfway through her words.

Guests therefore she made a miscalculation there is another situation where human traffickers will come they want to send new goods yes in the eyes of these traffickers they are not young children but just goods that can.

If they fall into the hands of traffickers who regard human life as nothing they will definitely die instead of waiting to be tortured and killed it is better to escape separately and count each one who can escape gu xing.

Looked at duoduo s eyes full of admiration I think so too if he can run away he counts as one but he doesn t know when his father will find out that he is gone the group hid in the grass for a while listening to the sound.

Spare this little fat man and she will strip off his fat and press it to eat at this time the little fat man didn t know that his fat body was already in danger I just can t run fast don t be so fierce cang xiaowan already.

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The traffickers and the three of them would be killed here the footsteps are getting closer those people are grumpy the scolding is also getting louder looking at the shining knives many hearts were lifted she could only.